We have been up to a lot since my last post!!! I cannot believe how fast time flies and how my precious children have grown. Connor is still having a blast in K-5 at REL and is really excited about learning to read. He recognizes a lot of words when we read books. I can't believe how big my baby boy is! And Elliott is SUCH a big girl! She is incredibly busy and gets into everything! She makes me laugh and is still a very happy girl. We have had lots of fun this fall with the pumpkin patch at Willard Farms with school and Halloween! I can't believe Christmas is right around the corner!!! YIKES!
Our sweet girl turned 1 on August 11. We just can't believe how fast our little girl is growing! She is the fastest crawler I have ever seen, but she has decided finally to try walking a bit. She takes about 5-6 steps at a time now. Her personality is too cute and she has a bit of my temper.....unfortunately. She is quite the little diva. She is so sweet just like her big brother. Connor still adores her and he even lets her play with his toys. (sometimes) We go to the pediatrician this week for her big check-up. I can't wait to see how much she has grown. The shots I could do without! We had a few family and friends over for a cookout for her birthday. We had such a great day! God has blessed us with two sweet children. We are so thankful.
We had a wonderful family vacation to Edisto Beach earlier in the summer. My parents, Will and Keyes, and our gang were there for the week. It was before it got really hot so the weather was perfect. The kids had so much fun and stayed in the water! Unfortunately my camera got wet the FIRST day and is now ruined. I have the worst luck with cameras. Jack was not there the first day, so no pics of him. But I do have a few of Maddie, Connor, and Elliott. Elliott absolutely loved the water and sand and tried to sneak a few shells into her mouth. The house we stayed at was awesome and the view was great. We even got to see a water spout out on the water one day during a storm. Of course, no pics of that. The guys enjoyed a day or two of fishing and even took us girls out in the boat one morning. I am ready for another vacation already!
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Thanks for all of your thoughts and prayers for my mom. She FINALLY got the CT scan results back and they are negative! Did not show a thing! Is'nt our God great? We are so relieved. My friend Lee and her family welcomed a sweet baby girl, Addie Grace, into the world on the 23rd of April. And my friend Misty and her family are waiting on their baby girl Finley to arrive right now!! She is in the hospital....yay Mit! What a wonderful miracle these precious babies are! Thanks be to God.
Please remember my wonderful Mom in your prayers. She is having a CT scan tomorrow because some of her labwork came back abnormal. The numbers are up the way they were when she had the carcinoid tumor removed from her lung a few years ago. She is a tough cookie with an unshakeable faith in our Lord! Please pray that she will have a good report from the doctor. Thanks so much!
I finally got some new pics on here!! Courtesy of Will's mom. Her camera is awesome! We have been enjoying the spring weather. Connor goes outside after school and stays until I have to drag him in. Poor Elliott is sick again with the stuffy nose and horrible cough. But she smiles even though she feels yucky. She is growing, growing, growing! It is happening too fast. She is crawling and checking everything out. She has 4 teeth and they don't seem to have given her much trouble coming in....since I didn't even know a couple of them were there until I felt her bite my finger. She weighed 19 lbs today at the doctor's office. I can't believe how big she has gotten! Her hair is turning blonde I think. It is hard to believe she will be 8 months old next week. She adores her brother and her daddy. In fact, that is all she will say for now......Dadadadadadada Connor still loves school and is excited EVERY morning to go. He loves all of his pals in his class. We have re-enrolled him at REL for K-5. Is is kinda hard to drive to Bishopville from Camden everyday but he loves it!! Maybe we just need to move to Bishopville!! Never thought I would say that!
So here is a quick update on my sweeties. I got "fussed" at over the weekend at Misty's shower for not posting updates and pics.haha I don't have the camera to put any new pics but here is what we have been up to! Elliott is growing, growing!! She is seven months now and is trying to crawl. She has one tooth that is trying to pop through. She is such a happy girl. Both of the kids have been sick, but are feeling better finally! Connor is getting ready for another season of T-ball. He is getting good at hitting the ball with his dad pitching too! He still loves school and has a girlfriend named Chloe.(kill me now.) I have seen them holding hands on the playground and I felt my heart break. What will it be like when he is a TEENAGER! I am just gonna have a Scarlet O'hara moment and just think about that later. We are looking forward to summer! We are having our family vacation at Edisto this year with my parents and Will and Keyes. The kids have a blast!! It can get a little crazy at times with all of them, but it so fun to watch them love each other!!