Sunday, April 27, 2008

Dance Recital

Connor and I attended Maddie's dance recital last night in Sumter. What a night!! This was a first for me since I never took dance as a child. For those of you who have seen me dance, you know this to be true. For those who have not witnessed it, think of "The Elaine" from Seinfeld. Anyway, the place was filled with excited parents and family members waiting to see their precious little one up on that stage. One of the first performances was the wee little girl group. Let me set the scene for you.....The song playing was that new one by Steven Curtis Chapman. The one about a father dancing with his Cinderella. It is a very sweet song for a father and daughter. Anyway, here they come out to this wonderful song with their dads!! It was so cute. They were dancing on their father's feet and being twirled around. Of course, guess who was crying. I'm sitting there thinking of my baby girl that will soon be here. It was just so sweet!! My niece Maddie did just awesome! Her group did great. I was so proud of her. The whole night just made me that much more excited about having a baby girl!! Maybe one day she will take dance lessons so she won't be like her mother!!!

Friday, April 11, 2008

We're moved!!

OK, let me just say.....We have entirely too much stuff!! I cannot even believe how many boxes I have unpacked and still have more to go!! I know our new neighbors are loving our big mess by the garage. We have already met a few and they are so friendly! Hugh and his wife, Tessa, stopped by the other day to say hello. It is so nice to have a familiar face around! They have an adorable little boy, and I'm sure Connor will have fun playing with him! I hope to "find" our computer soon so I can check out what everyone has been up to!

Thursday, April 3, 2008

These are a couple of pics taken after the big egg hunt at mom's. Connor is still on a sugar high. He keeps finding the candy everywhere I hide it! PhotobucketPhotobucket

Moving out of NC

I forgot to let you know how the "moving out" day went. SAD!! I made so many wonderful friends from work while we were there that I am going to miss so much! Although I am sure we will get together often. Will and I went to our old house last Friday. The movers did all of the packing and moving out, which was wonderful. But I had to clean it when they were done! What a mess!! It is so embarassing, all of the dust under furniture. I was sneezing up a storm from all of the dust and crossing my legs, and I think I heard one of the movers laughing at me! How would he like it if everytime he sneezed, he almost wet his pants?? (OK, not almost) So when everything was out of the house and we were about to lock it up one last time, I had to walk through the house one more time. I cried like a fool. Especially in Connor's room. Will came in with that "you have got to be kidding me" look on his face. But all those memories! Connor was only about 11 months old when we moved. All of the books I read to him in that room. All of the times I touched his back to make sure he was breathing, because I am a freak. His new big boy bed he was so excited about! OK, I am sobbing again. So, we left the house and I finally stopped crying when we got to Rockingham, which is about 2 hours away. Is being pregnant with a girl different?? I don't remember being quite this emotional with Connor. Oh well, only 4 more months.......

Moving to Camden

We finally close on our new house in Camden next week! The movers are coming on Wed. and bringing in all of our junk! What fun that day will be. I absolutely hate moving, but I am excited about the new house. It's funny, but I am most excited about the fenced in back yard! Connor is going to have so much fun in his new yard! I am ready to get a swing set and sandbox! It is amazing the things you get excited about after you have kids! And of course, you all know how I love to paint. But no craziness in this house. I am keeping everything light and fresh. Well, that is my plan anyway. I may get out of some of the painting this time!! Certainly get out of moving heavy boxes!!Hooray! I found out recently that some of my neighbors will be Hugh Logan and his family and also Deveaux and Christy Sydnor. Look at REL taking over Camden!