Thursday, April 3, 2008

Moving out of NC

I forgot to let you know how the "moving out" day went. SAD!! I made so many wonderful friends from work while we were there that I am going to miss so much! Although I am sure we will get together often. Will and I went to our old house last Friday. The movers did all of the packing and moving out, which was wonderful. But I had to clean it when they were done! What a mess!! It is so embarassing, all of the dust under furniture. I was sneezing up a storm from all of the dust and crossing my legs, and I think I heard one of the movers laughing at me! How would he like it if everytime he sneezed, he almost wet his pants?? (OK, not almost) So when everything was out of the house and we were about to lock it up one last time, I had to walk through the house one more time. I cried like a fool. Especially in Connor's room. Will came in with that "you have got to be kidding me" look on his face. But all those memories! Connor was only about 11 months old when we moved. All of the books I read to him in that room. All of the times I touched his back to make sure he was breathing, because I am a freak. His new big boy bed he was so excited about! OK, I am sobbing again. So, we left the house and I finally stopped crying when we got to Rockingham, which is about 2 hours away. Is being pregnant with a girl different?? I don't remember being quite this emotional with Connor. Oh well, only 4 more months.......


Betsy Marchant said...

Ok Ash...I almost peed in my pants laughing at your "sneezing and crossing your legs." You are too funny!!!

Kacy said...

I'm with you on the "sneezing" issue. Oh and I almost always have to run out of my aerobics class when we get to the "cardio blast" part...all of that jumping around and all. ;) AND YES, it has to be a girl pregnancy thing, although I wouldn't know otherwise. I was SO, SO emotional with both of my pregnancies!! THE ENTIRE TIME! I'm just glad you are closer to home!! Good luck with the unpacking! Take it easy, you have a great excuse!! Love, Kerri

Misty and Adam said...

Well I don't know if it's a pregnancy thing, because since I turned 30, I think I need to do a little more Kegel exercises so I won't "tee tee" sometimes...or it could be my "bladder control" problems I developed in high school..ha ha. But really take it easy, Ash, with the moving. I can't wait to see your new house. I'll drop by on my home the next time!!

Bree said...

I have the same problem when I sneeze! Good luck moving.

Jill said...

HAHAHA I think all us girls could benefit from some Detrol LA or Ditropan... or maybe a bladder tack!!! People always laugh, if I am walking down the hall and sneeze, cross my legs and keep walking!! I was emotional with both of my pregnancies too Ash, guess just the hormones.. I don't know.

Betsy Marchant said...

Haha...Misty, I just remembered your "bladder control" problem as Ash's house!