Thursday, April 3, 2008

Moving to Camden

We finally close on our new house in Camden next week! The movers are coming on Wed. and bringing in all of our junk! What fun that day will be. I absolutely hate moving, but I am excited about the new house. It's funny, but I am most excited about the fenced in back yard! Connor is going to have so much fun in his new yard! I am ready to get a swing set and sandbox! It is amazing the things you get excited about after you have kids! And of course, you all know how I love to paint. But no craziness in this house. I am keeping everything light and fresh. Well, that is my plan anyway. I may get out of some of the painting this time!! Certainly get out of moving heavy boxes!!Hooray! I found out recently that some of my neighbors will be Hugh Logan and his family and also Deveaux and Christy Sydnor. Look at REL taking over Camden!

1 comment:

Betsy Marchant said...

That's awesome Ash! I'm so jealous. Camden is such a cute little town. Post pictures of the new house when you get a chance.